Good journey and praying for happiness

Phuket Vegetarian Festival 2024

During The Phuket Vegetarian Festival, Paying homage to the god and deities is one of the most attractive activities in the festival which makes you and devotees being received blessing and accumulate merits. You can participate in this activity at any shrine.

Kathu Shrine

田 府 元 帥

For enhancing charisma
and personal influence.

Jui Tui Shrine

田 府 元 帥

Bringing luck and success in
endeavors and goals.

Bang Niew Shrine

三 忠 王

Succeed in life and
progress in work.

Lim Hu Tai Su Shrine

林 府 太 師

To be cured from sickness
and live a long life.
Regarding education.

Jui Tean Geng Shrine

九 天 玄 女

Stengthening and instilling
confidence and fearless,
including to have safe travelling.

Pud Zhou Shrine

觀 音 佛 祖

Blessing a new couple, and having the god’s prediction through casting lots for remedies or how to solve problems from the gods.

Sui Boon Tong Shrine

祖 師 公

For being precluded from bad omen and repelling negative energies including being ensured security.

Seang Tamm Shrine

王 孫 大 使

For granting success, career and educational opportunities.

Khoa Rang Shrine

三 寳 佛

For peace in mind and enlightment.