Phuket Brain Health Institute

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One day maybe you’ll realize that you have everything but you cannot remember any real achievements in your life and you’ll find yourself asking what the meaning of life is. You work hard every day to achieve your goals in your career, maybe you’re even wealthy but then again maybe you’re forgetting one of the most important things – your brain’s health. The brain is the ‘command center’ that controls everything in your body both day and night. If you learn to treat your brain well from the beginning it’s the same as planning your education for your future career. Medicine is not enough; you must also treat and improve your brain in different ways as well. Happily, in Phuket there is a place where you can improve your brain – it’s the Phuket Brain Health Institute, the only one of its kind in Thailand and indeed Asia.

The Brain Health Institute is located on the 8th floor of the Bangkok Hospital Phuket. With its relaxing décor it feels like you’re checking in at a resort. Dr. Kanya explains how the institute works, “The institute deals with walk-in guests wanting advice and brain analysis on the spot as well as brain health programs and courses from three to seven days at customers’ convenience. The institute’s specialists will ask for basic information about your daily routines, your eating habits, exercise, and sleep habits. All factors have influence on your brain’s function. The institute had an MRI scan to find any abnormalities and the institute is able to detect any sleep disorders. There are many customers who inform us that they have problem sleeping and sometimes even stop breathing during their sleep. The institute can run cognitive tests such as mathematics exercises, play challenging games, and bring all the data together to analyze how to improve the customer’s brain.”

“The programs at the institute are based on ‘How to’ to tell you how you can improve your brain. The individual ‘how to’ program includes different activities to improve your brain, such as eating habits – you will receive advice from our food control expert who will tell you what kind of food your brain needs and how to prepare the ingredients that are necessary. You’ll also learn from a personal trainer how to exercise in the right way; how to exercise your brain with different activities such as playing chess, tackling puzzles and other activities that you may not be familiar with. Moreover, we have what is known as ‘Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy’ to give your body oxygen in higher doses than normal. This technique had been proven to be good for the brain.”

“Another important factor is sleep. We have many activity rooms as well as private rooms with an environment suitable for sleeping. There is also a machine that detects your sleeping habits. You can enjoy these activities at the institute or you can move to the Amatara Wellness Resort. At the beachside resort you will also receive other treatments as a separate option for the package.

“After you have been through all the activities designed by our specialist team at the institute, you’ll be given individual data on how to maintain daily habits in the right way. The institute will keep following up on feedback from customers.”

“Beside the knowledge, location and equipment at the institute, the doctor in the brain function specialist, the psychologist, chef and all related staff members will share and consult during the whole stay at the institute. Nowadays 100% of our customers are foreigners concerned for their mental health. We have a high management level and that is needed to deal with the high pressures involved as well as to feed the need to relax and improve the brain.”

“People usually think that you must be sick to walk into a hospital but actually you don’t need to wait to find the solution and to fix it. You can prevent it! Start by taking good care of your brain because the brain is the center of everything in your body. If you learn and know how to improve your brain you will see and realize your true potential.” Dr. Kanya, MD of Phuket Brain Health Institute.


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