Guan Yu Shrine (Nabon Shrine)


Fire-warking ritual

8 October 2024 - 9:00 pm

The celemonial bridge - crossing ritual

11 October 2024 - 8:00 pm

The street procession

5 October 2024 - 7:00 am


This shrine is approximately a hundred years old. According to local folklore, this place used to be a canal close to the sea. A Chinese man sailed here from China, bringing with him a statue of the deity Guan Yu. He worshiped the statue to bring good fortune, as Guan Yu is considered the deity of loyalty. This Chinese man built a small shelter and set up an altar to worship the statue of Guan Yu that he had brought with him.

Subsequently, the individual from China vanished, leaving only the statue of the deity Guan Yu. Villagers in the vicinity became aware of this and proceeded to pay their homage and venerate the statue. Some made vows and asked Guan Yu for help, and most of them were successful in their requests. This resulted in an enhancement of their devotion and faith.

As the number of devotees increased, they collected funds to build a shrine. The building was constructed of brick and mortar and was about 1 meter high, with a wooden upper structure and a thatched roof. The statue of Guan Yu had been enshrined within.

Shortly thereafter, a miraculous event occurred within the shrine. Around the altar where the statue of Guan Yu was enshrined, termite mounds appeared in four directions and one in the center, making a total of five. The termite mound in the center was removed with permission later because it posed a danger to the building, and a replica was made according to the deity’s vision. Strangely, the termites did not devour any of the wooden parts of the shrine.

Several years later, during the 2552 B.E. vegetarian festival, the deity granted permission through a spirit medium to construct a new structure to replace the previous shrine, which was inadequate for activities and had fallen into disrepair. A new shrine was built in the same area, covering the old shrine. On January 20, 2553 B.E., a ceremony was held to erect the main pillar. The construction budget was 30 million baht and took over 3 years to complete. The new shrine building was completed, and the opening ceremony was held in 2556 B.E.

Story and significance:

The locals believe that the statue of Guan Yu here is very sacred. Those who come to ask for help often succeed. The five termite mounds (four in each direction and one in the center): There is no heavy incense firing here. There are only three sticks of incense per table in front of the Buddha statue, which are lit by the shrine committee.

The main deity of the shrine, or what the people of Phuket call “Chao Aam”, is “Guan Yu”. Every year on the anniversary of Guan Yu’s birthday (the day of his birth), he will come through a spirit medium to receive the worship of the villagers and listen to their stories, dispelling their suffering and illness.

During normal times, villagers often come to ask for help for make vows to Guan Yu about various matters. They always receive his mercy and succeed, leading to continuous devotion from generation to generation.

Inside the shrine, there are carved statues of Guan Yu and his two close associates, Guan Peng and Zhou Chong. Each statue is carved from a single piece of fragrant wood.


Located in Mueang Phuket District, Ban Na Bon. If coming from Phuket Town, turn left before the traffic light before the Pa Lai intersection. The landmark is a sign at the entrance.


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