Kathu shrine


Fire-warking ritual

11 October 2024 - 3:00 pm

The celemonial bridge - crossing ritual

11 October 2024 - 7:00 pm

The street procession

11 October 2024 - 6:45 am

The origin of the Vegetarian Festival:

The Kathu Shrine is the place of great importance, where the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket originated. Almost 200 years ago, during the time when Chinese people came to mine in Phuket, they brought the tradition of the vegetarian festival with them. It is told that this group of Chinese individuals adhered to Chinese religious principles, customs by adhering to the precepts and consuming vegetarian food to venerate the deities. However, during that time, an epidemic erupted. The local people believed that this was a result of their worship and religious practices when they began practicing Vegetarian Festival rituals. Since then, this tradition has become a grand annual festival.

The establishment of the Shrine:

Kathu Shrine was established as a place of worship and religious rituals in order to pay homage to the Chinese deities who protected the community and brought happiness and peace. Various buildings and structures were constructed within the shrine to facilitate rituals, as well as the rise of other shrines in the Phuket area over time. Nonetheless, the Kathu Shrine remains the focal point of the Vegetarian Festival and holds significant historical and cultural significance.

Current Role:

The Kathu Shrine continues to serve as the focal point of the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, drawing large crowds to participate in the rituals and activities held within the shrine. Furthermore, the shrine has undergone constant renovations and improvements in order to accommodate visitors and preserve this important tradition.

The Kathu Shrine is not only a religious site, but also a symbol of faith and belief for the people of Phuket and visitors from all over the world.


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