Kiu Tian Geng Shrine (Saphan Hin)


Fire-warking ritual


The celemonial bridge - crossing ritual


The street procession


The Origin:

The Kiu Tian Keng Shrine was constructed in 2523 B.E. and completed in 2540 B.E. It is situated at the end of Saphan Hin Cape. The shrine is located facing the sea. The surrounding area is shady. From the history inscribed on the stone slab in front of the shrine. It appears that Her Majesty Kiu Tian Lue, who is a high-ranking deity in Taoism during the reign of the Huang Tee Emperor (黄帝), told through her medium that she wanted to have a shrine for her so that she could help protect the descendants of the people of Phuket from various natural disasters.

Besides being a location with an enshrined image of the deity Kiu Tian Hian Lue, who is the presiding deity of the shrine, there are also numerous other Chinese deities enshrined here, as per the beliefs of Thai people of Chinese descent, particularly female deities. On the last day of the annual Phuket Vegetarian Festival, Kiu Tian Geng Shrine is especially lively and crowded with people, as various shrines in Phuket organize processions of deities to perform a ceremony to send the deities back to their respective shrines at the end of Saphan Hin Cape.



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