Pud Jor Shrine


Fire-warking ritual


The celemonial bridge - crossing ritual


The street procession


The Origin:

Another ancient shrine in Phuket that is over a hundred years old, Pud Jor Shrine, or Aam Pud Jor, is different from other shrines in that it enshrines the Bodhisattva Guan Yin, or Guan Im Pud Jor, an important deity in Mahayana Buddhism who is widely worshiped. It is also a shrine that offers a unique form of healing using fortune sticks, which has been passed down through words. This is a characteristic that is rarely seen.


It is said that the area where the shrine is located was originally a large canal that large boats could sail through, and that there was already a pier and shrine there. During that time, the locals called the shrine ‘Shrine of Te Jun’ or ‘Guan Yu.’ When a merchant sailed a three-masted junk from Penang to Phuket, he brought with him a carved wooden statue of the Bodhisattva Guan Yin Pud Jor. When he saw the site of the shrine, he liked it and thought it was a suitable place, so he invited the Bodhisattva Guan Yin Pud Jor to be enshrined there. The shrine was later renamed Pud Jor Shrine.

Location: Muaeng, Phuket


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